If you would like to support our work financially and make a contribution towards
making the world a slightly fairer place, here are our account details.
action five e.V. Bonn,
Account number 291 199 505,
Postbank Köln,
Sort code 370 100 50
When making your bank transfer, please also provide your name and address,
because otherwise we will not be able to send you a donation receipt for
submission to the tax office. You will receive this at the beginning of February for the previous year.
Thank you very much!
Why doesn’t action five e.V. have a seal of approval from the DZI?
We are often asked why we don’t have the DZI’s seal of approval and whether we act at all responsibly with the donations entrusted to us.
We have decided not to apply for a seal of approval as we would rather invest the costs this would entail into our projects.
Acquiring the seal of approval from the Deutsches Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen (German Central Institute for Social Affairs, or DZI) would mean the loss of donations amounting to at least 1500 euros initially followed by around 500 euros each year.
action five is a highly transparent organisation. We publish our financial report annually in full. All members can see at any time how and where our funds are being distributed and for what purpose.
The fact that we only spend around 0.81% on administrative costs and on account management and foreign transfer fees is a further indication of the care with which we handle our donations.
Our trustworthiness is also exemplified by the fact that the majority of our donors have remained loyal to us for several decades now.
To be able to realise larger projects, we receive a large proportion of the necessary funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) on a project-specific basis, support which has also been in place for many decades.