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Construction of a vocational training centre in Nkpor, Nigeria

Following on from our successfully completed project in Nkpor, Anambra State, Nigeria, last year (see most recent Newsletters), we at action five decided to tackle a new project: the establishment of a vocational college, also in Anambra State, Nigeria. Our objective is to offer young people in the district of Idemili a chance in life.
The construction of a vocational college offers huge potential and would stimulate sizeable growth in the region. However, it is also a considerable and ambitious project as far as action five is concerned. For this reason, we sought the help of the German Ministry for Development and Cooperation (BMZ) with regard to the financing. We have now resolved to tackle such a “BMZ project”. The BMZ requires its applicants to provide very precise information about the project, producing a great deal of work for us. In addition, we have to contribute a significant proportion of the funding ourselves, which will also be a challenge for us. Overall, however, we have considerable experience, good contacts and highly motivated members, meaning that we are optimistic about our ability to successfully implement a large-scale project like this once again, even after a relatively long time.
The concept behind the project is based on an application submitted by our partner organisation in Nigeria. It was presented by action five member Timothy Chukwukelu, himself originally from the same region in Nigeria. The project application revealed to us the kind of difficult situation faced by young people in southeastern Nigeria. They suffer because the inhabitants of the Biafra region are marginalised and threatened by the other regions. There is no functioning infrastructure that could offer the young people the chance of a good education. The young people receive no support from the state to help them become independent and stand on their own two feet financially.
This creates a whole stream of social problems: armed robberies, drug abuse and drug dealing as well as human trafficking and the prostitution of young people. The international media recently reported on the so-called baby factories in Nigeria. Many young people attempt to escape from the rural areas with the goal of getting to Europe. This dangerous venture frequently leads to death on the high seas.
Our objective is to appeal to and use these young people’s potential. We want to provide them with access to this constructive and local form of development. They will get the opportunity to learn useful skills, find a job and feed themselves and their families, thus contributing to the development of their country instead of pursuing the hazardous dream of escaping to Europe.
We aim to give these young people the opportunity to develop within their own country, give them a purpose, raise their self-esteem and thus put a stop to the mass exodus. We want to give them a chance and form the basis for secure jobs in order to combat the causes of poverty in an effective manner. This will form part of our contribution to achieving the millennium development goals set by the United Nations.


Official commissioning of VTC:

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